Today I am very excited to announce that we are releasing our first ever ExecuteAutomation android application on
Google play
The application is not really going to show you static web pages rendered within an web view of android, rather it’s going to be an all new application written natively for android from complete ground up to showcase all the videos released in YouTube so far (
400+ videos)
About application
ExecuteAutomation android application UI is designed by keeping simplicity in mind, its much faster, lighter (< 2 Mb), interactive and easy to use.
Figure 1 Interactive UI
The above screenshot shows all the common features and functionalities one would ever need to use this application from their mobile phone, hence I am really not going to write to much about the application in this post.
About Developer behind application (the great mind)
Finally (Important)
Please go ahead and download the application and give your rating and comments on the playstore and don’t forget to report any issues that you are facing, since the application is still in beta
Karthik KK
Awesome enlightening site. I’m truly awed subsequent to perusing this blog entry. I truly welcome the time and exertion you go through to impart this to us!