- Setting stage ready for Appium in Eclipse IDE
- Writing first simple code in Appium with Java
- Locating element with different locators (Part a)
- Locating element with different locators (Part b)
- VS Emulator for Android with Appium configuration
- Automating web apps using Appium
- Automating Native apps using Appium
- Automating hybrid app using Appium
- Long Press application using Appium
thanks for your tutorials. Can you let us know how to setup appium with android studio. it will be helpful
Hi Karthick,
Thank you so much for creating such beautiful videos.Your videos about Appium is very clear and easy to follow.
Can you post a video should contain all action class functionalities like touch action, drag ,vertical and horizontal swipe.?
All your post are really helpful for me. If it possible then post some more video with new features.
While setting the DesiredCapabilities
i am not getting the APP_PACKAGE
it is displaying only APP and APP_VERSION
Can you please help me.
Hi guy, you can find both app package & app activity by using terminal:
adb devices
adb shell
dumpsys window windows | grep -E ‘mCurrentFocus’
Hi Karthik,
I’m using TestNG to run test with xml file. So i want to run test after working day. DO we have a solution to run test with timer?
Ex: i want to run test at 8PM automatically.
I guess you can run only by external tools like Windows Scheduler or CI tools like Jenkins not that TestNG can do it.
Karthik KK
Hi Karthi,
When we plan to run Appium TestNG with Jenkins… Do we need to connect real device remain or how this should run as headless for Mobile. Can you please suggest some good approach. Thanks.
Excellent presentation, very focused and on point!
Thanks !