Dear Friends,
I am very excited and happy to see how
ExecuteAutomation has breached another
1 Million+ visitor mark this year so quickly than ever before.
This year April, ExecuteAutomation breached
3 Million+ visitors and celebrated an worldwide
code-a-thon event in Malaysia partnering with
Sitecore, it was just like yesterday and today
ExecuteAutomation has reached over
4 Million+ visitor marking another fastest 1 million+ in its history.
Today I am very happy to announce that we have over 58,000+ students in Udemy from over
170+ countries with over 18 courses.
To celebrate this
happy moment +
Black Friday sale ahead, we will get an huge discount for
24 hours on
24th Nov 2017.
Stay tuned for update from ExecuteAutomation website on latest discount on your way !
Thanks for making this happen!
Karthik KK
Great. Congratulation and Keep it up.