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Auckland, New Zealand
Dear friends, As mentioned in our earlier post, we have begun our first ever ExecuteAutomation black friday sale.
All the courses released from ExecuteAutomation on Udemy will be availed for $24 with coupon code BLACKFRIDAY24 .The sale will end on 25th NZST (New Zealand Standard Time)
Hurry up, its just limited coupon code available ! Thanks, Karthik KK

Post Author: Karthik kk

4 Replies to “Black friday sale until 24th for $24”

  1. couple of questions regarding Black Friday sale

    1. All courses can be accesses for $24?
    2. How much time I’ll have to go through these courses?
    3. what do I need to do to get this deal?

    1. HI Bashar,

      1. All courses can be accesses for $24?
      2. How much time I’ll have to go through these courses?
      Its mentioned in the course and it will vary based on the curriculum
      3. what do I need to do to get this deal?
      Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY24

      Please hurry up, since the offer ends in less than 24 hours now.

      Karthik KK

      1. Based on your response above, I tried to purchase your all courses but it is charging me $24 for each course. For example if I add 2 courses in my cart, i am prompted to charge $48. I am not sure exactly what you mean when you say all courses for @24? can you explain how someone will have access to all of your courses even if he chooses to buy one course?

        1. Hi Ali,

          All my courses are for $24, meaning its for per course.

          So, if you purchase 2 courses then its 2*24 = 48.

          Karthik KK

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