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Auckland, New Zealand
To develop android application all you need is the following,
  • Java
  • Eclipse Indigo
  • Eclipse plugin for Android
You can download the latest version of I will leave the first two to do by yourself, since those are pretty common kind of installation, we will talk a bit more about Eclipse plugin for Android installation. To do that, do the following steps Step 1 Open Eclipse IDE Step 2 Go to Helpà Install new software Step 3 Type
 ADT Plugin -
And select Developer tools and plugin checkbox and select “Next” button as shown in the figure. Accept the terms and condition, that’s it, you are ready to go. Now we are ready with our android application development. Please feel free to leave your comments and add new idea, which I will update in the post. Thanks, Karthik KK            

Post Author: Karthik kk

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