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Auckland, New Zealand
Selenium was developed as an internal tool in 2004 at ThoughtWorks and later it made publicly available as Selenium Webdriver coming out from alpha and beta stage in 2009 Selenium is the best tool even till now, it supports multiple browsers, ecosystems, language binding and many tools are extending Selenium or building on the top of Selenium even till date. Lets discuss about each and every tool one by one Here is the complete video of the above discussion

Thanks for reading the article and watching the video, please share your comments and let me know if I am missing anything in the discussion so that I can add one or make an all-new article.

Thanks, Karthik KK

Post Author: Karthik kk

6 Replies to “Era of Non-Selenium automation testing tools 2019”

  1. Hi Karthik,
    We are using selenium for web testing for a Ecommerce application(angular js).
    as you know Ecommerce application has lots of UI testing , we automated it by using selenium. I would like to know if we migrate to java script automation testing which tool will be the best one for ? I am looking for a free tool not a paid one like TestCafe as of now.

    1. I guess you can go with Cypress.io. I am going to release an course on the same this month end in Udemy.

      Karthik KK

  2. hi karthik,

    you videos are awesome. im interested in e2e testing with cypress. please send me the coupons of this course if you have any to ‘shareauto4us@gmail.com’.


  3. Hey Karthik,

    I’m interested in your cypress course. Can you please provide discount coupon.
    Thanks in advance!

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