
Running Xamarin.UITest on specific iOS Simulator

In this video we will discuss how we can run Xamarin.UITest on specific iOS simulator instead of the default simulator configured in MacOS by XCode. So far we executed all our tests on default Android emulator and iOS simulator. But there are times we would like our test to run on specific device or simulator versions and type. This we can do with our Xamarin.UITest using DeviceIdentifier option of iOS configuration

DeviceIdentifier via code

DeviceIdentifier method can be used to locate and run specific target iOS simulator as shown below Here is the complete video of the above discussion This complete discussion is part of detailed Udemy course https://www.udemy.com/xamarin-uitest/ Thanks for reading the post and watching the video!!! Please leave your comments and let me know if there is anything I should update in this post. Thanks, Karthik KK