
Running Xamarin.UITest code in MacOS for Android/iOS Operating System

In our last post we discussed how to run Xamarin.UITest code using Xamarin Test Recorder in MacOS. In this post we will discuss how to work with Xamarin.UITest with our CrossPlatform framework that we created in our course “Mobile Automation testing with Xamarin.UITest” in Udemy. Here is the complete video on how to run Xamarin.UITest code in MacOS for both Android and iOS application Here is the code snippet of the above video to switch with different platform https://gist.github.com/executeautomation/4c1484cd65abb6e35b4a93d6eeb6ca8c Thanks for reading the post and watching the video!!! Please leave your comments and let me know if there is anything I should update in this post. Thanks, Karthik KK