
Parallel execution with Specflow 2.0 + NUnit + Selenium

In the last post we discussed how to work with Specflow 2.0 parallel execution, in this post we will discuss how to run Multiple tests in parallel in multiple browser same time using Specflow + NUnit + Selenium.

Problem with Selenium WebDriver object while running Specflow test in Parallel

Since we will be using selenium webdriver object in many Specflow step definitions and while running tests in parallel, we will encounter NullReferenceException , in order to resolve the problem, we need to use two important techniques

IOC Container

-Source : Wikipedia

So how code looks like for IOC Container?

https://gist.github.com/executeautomation/23512f1f8f392832ab31b690484d1375 Here is the complete source code in GitHub https://github.com/executeautomation/SpecflowSeleniumParallel

Here are the complete videos of the above discussion

Video 1

Video 2 Thanks for reading the post and watching the video!!! Please leave your comments and let me know if there is anything I should update in this post. Thanks, Karthik KK