
Matching/Tracking parameters with Moq

In the last post we discussed how to test number of times a method being called using Moq framework and in this post we will discuss how to track or match the parameters with Moq.

Matching/Tracking parameter

Here is the complete video of the above discussion Here is the complete code from the above video
           List employees = new List()
                new Employee()
                    EmpId = 1,
                    Name = "Karthik",
                    Salary = 4000,
                    DurationWorked = 24,
                    Grade = 1,
                    Email = "karthik@executeautomation.com"

                new Employee()
                    EmpId = 2,
                    Name = "Prashanth",
                    Salary = 7000,
                    DurationWorked = 30,
                    Grade = 2,
                    Email = "prashanth@executeautomation.com"


            var moqPersonalDetail = new Mock();

            moqPersonalDetail.Setup(x => x.GraduityEligibleCount).Returns(2);

            var pfDetails = new EmployeesDetails(moqPersonalDetail.Object);


            moqPersonalDetail.VerifyGet(x => x.GraduityEligibleCount);
Thanks for reading the post and watching the video!!! Please leave your comments and let me know if there is anything I should update in this post. Thanks, Karthik KK